Mind and Soul Choir

Well done to all those who took part in the anxiety fair event at the Wigmore Hall yesterday, they made the BBC World News 😊

If want to watch, follow the link below and skip to 21.30 minutes.


An evening of wellness: your mind, your health – Mental Health Awareness Week May 2014

Matthew Mckenzie attend “An evening of wellness: your mind, your health”. This event ran as part of Mental Health Awareness Week, and together we can hosted an evening of talks and performances to showcase some of the projects supported by Maudsley Charity for the benefit of service users and the local community.

We heard from 4 projects being the

The SLaM Recovery College
Hearing Things
Anxiety Arts Festival London 2014
Mind and Soul Choir

Matthew covered the event for us and has done great audio and video blogs and has also taken photos.

You can watch his video blog here:

Listen to his audio blog here:

Look at his photos here:


Great job as always Matthew – Thank you


Maudsley Charity Showcase Event

Maudsley Charity showcase event

On Tuesday 13 May 2014, Maudsley Charity is inviting the public and SLaM staff to learn more about how it benefits service users and the community.

The showcase event, which is being held at the ORTUS Centre between 6pm-8pm, coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week, which runs from 12 – 18 May.

There will be opportunity to learn about the wide range of projects that the charity supports, including:

  • Hearing Things – a drama-based programme which explores mental health care experiences using theatre techniques. The project aims to build rapport with service users and help educate the public on mental health.
  • Anxiety Arts Festival 2014 – a sneak peek at the new London-wide arts festival organised by the Mental Health Foundation. The festival will explore the causes and effects of anxiety and will bring leading and emerging artists, musicians and performers together for a dynamic programme of events.
  • Mind and Soul Choir a community choir which aims to break down barriers associated with mental health and improve wellbeing through singing. The choir was formed in Lambeth in 2006 and their director, Lea Cornthwaite, is also Musical Director for The Royal Opera House Youth Company.

It is entirely free to attend and promises to be an informative and enjoyable evening.

For more information, please click here.

And to book your place, contact slaminfo@togetherwecan.org.uk or 020 7848 7915.

We do the work: this is our day



Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, Camberwell SE5 0HF
Nearest tube Elephant & Castle, Buses 12, 35, 40, 42, 45, 68, 148, 171, 176, 468
Contact: mindandsoul@rocketmail.com Tel: 07599 501189


flyer here: mind & soul 28 September